
This blog is a visual diary for Mary Inez Drummond. Born 18th October 2006, at 13.05, she is our first child, and we love her. 'We' are Mark and Annie, and are doting aparents who are sure she is the prettiest most advanced baby ever created, even if she is a wee bit ginger!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bath time!!

Maisie loves having a bath. And we love giving her a bath. So everyone is happy!!

Maisies first Christmas

Maisie had a great first Christmas, spent at our house with Nanny Grandad Nick Jordan Rebecca and Flo the dog. Lots of food was had and as you can see, Maisie had her fair share thanks to her cousin Rebecca.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hair today...

Maisie was born with a head of hair on her, with a tingle of auburn, a smattering of copper, a few strawberry blond highlights. She likes to try out different styles. Whats your favourite?


Jason and Julia came to visit with the welcome gift of a teapot. The gift that never stops giving...

Morag visits

Morag came to visit us with the delightful Linus. Again, a lovefest ensued. The relationship between Linus and Flo the dog however, was a little more uncertain.

Great cousin Catherine

Great cousin Catherine came to visit with her boyfriend Paul. Needless to say, she fell head over heels in love, whilst paul spent his visit trying to fix our internet connection. Thanks Paul!

Maisie's favourite toy

Maisie's favourite toy, so far, is definitely her bunny rabbit, given to her by her Auntie Paula and Uncle Nev, not to mention cousins Will and Finlay. She loves it so much she often tries to stuff it all in her mouth.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Grandparents

First Family Outing

We took Maisie to Anstruther, home of Scotland's best fish and chips, for our first family outing (Flo the Greyhound was there too!). We think she had a good time, although we cant be sure as she slept the whole time. We had a great time thiugh...battered prawns...yummmy!


We spent two further nights at Perth Royal Infirmary, mainly so they could teach me what babies are all about, I hadn't a clue!! Nappies? Breastfeeding? Baths? HELP!!!!!

Daddy bonds

We stayed the first night in Ninewells hospital in Dundee. That was a scary night. I wished that Mark could have stayed with me. I think he did too, he wanted to bond more with Maisie.

Maisie's first picture


Don't worry, I'll keep it brief!

And relatively gore free.

Maisie was 10 days overdue so i had a membrane sweep to get things going (if you don't know what this, I ain't telling you...). I started having wee pains at about 7pm, but held off going to the hospital until about 4am when it really started getting unbearable. Up till then my pain relief ranged from TENS machine, back rubbing, paracetamol, breathing and bouncing on a ball. So you can see why I wanted to go get some drugs.

We made our way to dundee, and I got hooked up to the gas and air. Mark went to move the car and came back, after two bacon rolls, to find that I had been taken down to the labour suite. This was at about 9am, and the midwife assured me, after a few queries from me about pethadine, that I was doing really well without any drugs. She was clearly crazy, but i went along with it. At 13.05 maisie arrived looking brighted eyed, if a little shocked at being here.

OK, so it wasn't quite as easy as that, but time is a great healer!!!